How WiFi Automation Platforms Improve WiFi Network Performance | Wyebot

How WiFi Automation Platforms Improve WiFi Network Performance

March 27, 2023

WiFi networks power almost every critical business function. The better they work, the better they support business continuity and operational efficiency. Here’s a look at how WiFi automation platforms eliminate WiFi performance issues and provide cost-effective future-proofing.

AI-Driven WiFi Automation

AI-driven WiFi automation platforms use a mix of hardware and software to automate the detection, notification, and mitigation of WiFi network issues. They promote continuous network optimization by working at all times, providing IT and network professionals with important actionable insights when performance issues occur.

They are:

  • Proactive: Platforms use an AI-engine to recognize normal and abnormal network behavior in real-time. 
  • Automated: Once set-up, platforms work 24/7/365, running tests, analyzing network behavior, and alerting IT to performance issues.
  • Efficient: With remote troubleshooting, platforms help organizations reduce costly travel to different locations, and improve resolution times with network optimization from any place at any time.
  • Cost-effective: Platforms are scalable. One solution can monitor anywhere from hundreds to thousands of devices at a time. Organizations can pursue technology adoption without overwhelming and burdening IT teams. 

They are not:

  • Manual: Platforms do not require manual input to run UX tests, analyze client RF coverage, or capture historical wireless traces.
  • Reactive: Thanks to automatic alerts, platforms do not depend on users to report issues to IT.
  • Network Focused: Platforms analyze the entire RF network ecosystem rather than being restricted to a centralized focus of an organization’s network activity. Their focus includes an organization’s network, nearby networks, and both WiFi and non-WiFi devices. They can be vendor agnostic, which allows them to work across all sites, regardless of WiFi and AP vendor differences.

Improve WiFi Networks with WiFi Automation

With businesses around the world dependent on WiFi networks and WiFi-connected technologies for everything from improved production, user experience, and customer retention and satisfaction, how do these automated, proactive platforms improve network performance?

Here’s how the Wireless Intelligence Platform™ (WIP) does it.

Improved Operational Efficiency

WIP works nonstop and is focused on insights, not data regurgitation. While it processes massive amounts of data, and while that data can be reviewed by IT, the platform is there to simplify problem solving.

WIP achieves this by analyzing problems and identifying the root cause. It automatically delivers this root cause with every issue alert, along with actionable resolutions. IT is given what they need to immediately start resolving the problem and network mysteries are eliminated.

This improves operational efficiency by delivering better network performance, reliability, and security.

Personalized Support

WIP uses its AI-engine to perform behavioral profiling and device pattern recognition. With these capabilities it can recognize a network’s normal, expected behavior, and identify any changes in that behavior.

This allows the platform to work with each network’s unique demands and challenges. It doesn’t make general health recommendations, but learns from an organization’s network utilization, optimizing each network for its specific users and use cases.

Better User Experience

Thanks to its proactive alerts, WIP often alerts IT and network professionals to performance problems before users are impacted. Teams can solve problems in real-time and keep organizations operating at full speed.

WIP delivers

  • 90% faster resolution times
  • 70% fewer WiFi problem tickets 

Cost-Effective Future-Proofing

Upgrading WiFi networks can be a costly process. WIP reduces the financial burden of upgrades in two ways.

  1. Scalable: the platform works with IT, analyzing the performance and behavior of up to tens of thousands of devices. With its help, organizations can add new technologies to their networks, trusting that WIP will provide the insights and visibility needed by IT to keep the network running smoothly even if human resources do not grow at a commensurate rate.
  2. Historical analytics and wireless traces: WIP helps decision makers better answer the questions of when and how to upgrade. The platform automatically saves historical data and creates graphs that display health and performance trends over time. IT professionals can also review automatically saved wireless traces, giving them deep-dive insights into exactly what was happening on the network at any given time. This support ensures that organizations have a detailed view of how their network has changed over time and what it will likely need to remain optimized in the future.

Automatic Security Breach Detection

The Wireless Intelligence Platform automatically detects all APs in the environment, and classifies them as Mine, Known, Unknown, or Unauthorized. It instantly alerts IT at the detection of any Unknown or Unauthorized access points, as well as denial of service attacks..

Bonus: Business Benefits of WiFi Automation

By improving WiFi network performance, WIP also boosts a business’s bottom line.

  • Reduced operating expenses: delivered via a significant reduction in WiFi problems and troubleshooting times.
  • Improved productivity: with a more reliable, predictable, and high-performing WiFi network, users can perform tasks more efficiently.
  • Revenue increases: a network that gives users the assurance that they can always access the resources they need whenever they need them supports business continuity.

If you’re interested in knowing more, talk to us about a demo or free trial today.