WiFi Network Priorities: Why Every C-Level Executive Must Care | Wyebot

WiFi Network Priorities: Why Every C-Level Executive Must Care

April 8, 2024

WiFi and wired enterprise networks aren’t only the concern of CTOs. Every C-level executive depends on these networks backing them up, day in and day out, so that they can fulfill their critical responsibilities. Without reliable networks, designed to fit every office’s unique needs, executives may as well walk out the door.

Let’s take a look at the strategic priorities that would be impossible to fulfill without reliable, optimal wired and WiFi networks.

Chief Executive Officer

CEO’s depend on their wired and WiFi networks for the following.

Secure, reliable communications

Whether communicating via laptop, tablet, or phone, CEO’s need uninterrupted access to secure, reliable communication systems for everything from negotiations and board meetings to financial data reviews. 

If networks don’t have strong encryption, or exhibit performance problems during video calls, security, productivity, and reputation suffer.

Remote collaboration and presentations

This includes video conferencing, but goes beyond that to include the ability to remotely connect to the network from any location. CEOs aren’t tied to their office. They must be able to travel for business and yet remain connected to every office location. This takes networks designed with appropriate bandwidth and low latency.

Company growth

No CEO wants a static company. Networks should be future-proofed so that growth can happen as it needs to, seamlessly. If more employees are hired, more devices will need to connect. If new technologies enter the market, the network must support their utilization.

If a network isn’t adaptable, it isn’t scalable.

Chief Financial Officer

CFO’s, primarily responsible for financial decisions and company projects, need networks that provide:

Data security

CFOs and their teams regularly access sensitive reports and banking systems, and make financial transactions. Most, if not all, of these actions depend on access to the internet. If the network is not reliably secure, significant loss can result.

Real-time communications

Whether speaking with investors, making online transactions, or viewing real-time financial details, CFOs need the assurance of uninterrupted network connectivity.

Chief Operating Officer

Daily operations are nonexistent without the enterprise network. COO’s depend on the network for:

Business continuity

Uninterrupted workflow is necessary for all departments. Issues, even ones that only cause slight delays, can be shockingly costly. COO’s need networks that provide extensive WiFi coverage so that all users stay connected at all times. Networks must also easily scale and adapt to changes in office layout, employee numbers, and technology adoption. 

Employee user experience

Digital experience management (DEM) is a new name for an accepted fact: if your employees aren’t happy at work, you’re in trouble.

Today, UX (user experience) and DEM recognize that keeping employees happy means providing them with the network they need to do their jobs easily, efficiently, and well.

No Network Assurance Means No Business

Without strong, reliable wired and WiFi networks, all executives have is a never ending list of what can’t be accomplished:

  • Negotiations
  • Collaborations
  • Presentations
  • Growth 
  • Financial transactions
  • Communications 
  • Daily operations
  • Compliance with data security regulations

The network is the most critical non-human resource. It must be prioritized. This requires IT professionals to have complete network visibility in order to design, optimize, and maintain the best network for each individual office. This visibility is necessary because, as every IT professional knows, network designs cannot be copied + pasted. That only results in networks ill-suited for their users. 

Instead, each office’s network needs must be identified. These needs are based on:

  • Location
  • Interference from nearby networks and other sources
  • Number of network users
  • Types of devices and applications used

Providing IT professionals with 24/7 real time and historical network analytics is one of the best shows of support C-level executives can make. With these analytics, IT can proactively troubleshoot and recommend cost-effective upgrades to meet their users’ specific needs. This results in networks that support all strategic priorities, such as:

  • Positive professional reputation
  • Boosted brand recognition
  • Positive customer and employee experience
  • Increased sales
  • Protected business continuity and operational efficiency

Target Network Automation

Make sure your network has what it needs to support every critical task. Ask us about a free trial or demo of our AI-powered network automation solution, the Wireless Intelligence Platform™.

Network automation is a process in which software automatically detects wired and WiFi network problems, notifies IT, and mitigates the issues. With this support, enterprises can have reliable, optimal wired and WiFi networks at lower operating costs.

For more information on what problems network automation solves, and the organizational and technical benefits, check out The Essential Guide to Network Automation Benefits. Contact us with any questions.

See Also:

Why CIOs Should Care About WiFi Assurance