Case Study: North Attleborough Public Schools | Wyebot
Case Studies

Case Study: North Attleborough Public Schools

WiFi Automation Drastically Changed Our WiFi

When asked why he started working with Wyebot, North Attleborough Director of Technology Kyle Kirshenbaum said that he was offered a demo unit to try for free, no strings attached. After setting up the trial, the amount of information received drastically changed WiFi in his district.

“Our IT team is great, but not everyone is a WiFi expert. Without the right information, knowing where to begin solving problems is difficult. The AI-driven WiFi Automation software showed us exactly where we needed to make adjustments. It had an immediate impact and we’re continuing to make improvements.”

Internal and External Problems Identified

The Wireless Intelligence Platform™ (WIP) not only alerts Kirshenbaum’s team to issues, but identifies the root cause as well. This means that all IT personnel know if the problem lies with a school’s devices or infrastructure, or if the culprit is an external source. WIP also suggests resolutions. This clarity and visibility simplifies problem solving and helps reduce IT stress.

“Now we can understand why these problems are happening,” Kirshenbaum shared. “That’s huge. We didn’t have that before. We can also always jump on a support call with Wyebot. If we ever need extra help, it’s good to know it’s there.”

Historical Traces Keep Us Informed

Kirshenbaum’s favorite feature is WIP’s historical traces. “Having a record of what the problems are, how long they lasted, the specific issues, that’s great. Often we’ll get a call at two o’clock that the WiFi was bad at nine…since we have to be able to see the problem to know how to resolve it, that’s challenging. With WIP, we have knowledge of the problem and facts around the problem, no matter when the issue occurred.”

High Performing, Problem Free WiFi Networks

Optimized, future-proofed, reliable WiFi networks are a way of life for many schools. Ask us about a free trial or demo and bring WIP (E-Rate eligible) to your school today.

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